#visual research #video #performance # visual development


movie on Vimeo👇

In search of sounds

In search of sound I started experimenting. My first observation was sound of churning milk / but it was too dumb/dull/ and I was looking for something that is not natural – As unnaturaL as my pain. As unreal as something what I feel.

/ G U R G L I N G …

I was looking for:strange sounds/scary/sound of fear, something unexpected. Just like what I can hear and what I feel is not natural. That pushed me to keep searching for sounds. In order to seek sounds :I found ‘metal piece ,metal sheet-cold /when moving the metal sheet it reminds me about moving neurones

my PAIN IS TOO SHARP as well./pain-cold-sharp-sting-unreal

In a search of colour

Blue -cold colour, seems to be “unfriendly ” for me, unreal, not natural.(Like what I feel is unreal).

Why did I move my back?
Every “natural” movement shows pain. There is a disease in me...LIGHT LIKE IN HOSPTAL/LAB


Raging, piercing, sharp pain – which MAKES you into pain. In a frenzy/YOU ARE not yourself, pain makes you crazy

Why a naked body-back in the back
The pain itself is also physical – there is nothing sensual in this body, you are dull. Physical pain.
I am very carnal with my pain.

(a side note from my observations- technical:I will make next movie horizontally if id like to show it on the computer)

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